Assign Training (309)
  • 26 Apr 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Assign Training (309)

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Article summary


Assign Training lets you create training assignments for any group of Users across all of your Locations.

You can create long-term assignments with an open-ended due date, or you can create them on the fly.

How to use it

Super Users (Top Admins)

Located on the Super User Dashboard under the Content column, open 309 – Assigned Training.



If your account is set up with Manager access, you can access the Assign Training feature by clicking on the hamburger menu in the top right corner, then click on Management Tools.


On the main Assign Training dashboard, you can create new assignments, see your current assignments and their progress, or archive older assignments.


To create a new assignment, click on the “+ New Assignment” button and follow the steps – we’ll outline them here if you need additional details:
First, give this assignment a title:


Select the Content you’d like to Assign:


If needed, you can reorder your Courses to display how you’d like them completed. Simply drag each course to its desired position.


Choose how many Revolutions to make it:


What is a Revolution? Jump down the article to learn more.

Select the Locations where you’d like to assign this:


Select the Content Roles, Teams or (Individual) Users to assign it to:



Premier Content Roles can only be assigned by “Super User B” Admins with Privilege “ID:6 Premier Content Roles”.

Select whether you would like to automatically assign this Assignment to new users that meet this same criteria


Select today or a future start date, select an end date (or leave it open):

Note: If you Enable Auto Assign, the “End Date” will automatically remain open-ended. This is so Users are not accidentally assigned to the Assignment after it has already expired.


Add an (optional) custom 'Email Subject' line and 'Message' to the automated emails they’ll receive:


If you would like to customize the "From" email address for these Notifications and others throughout your VT System, you may update that in the "Private Label Theme".

Navigated to the Super User Dashboard --> Private Label Management — then select the desired Theme to "Edit" --> choose the Theme Settings TAB --> then in the left-hand menu, choose 'Outbound and Enrollment Emails'.

Note: As you can see in the Notification panel, we indicate when automated emails will be sent to the users:
  – When the assignment is first assigned
  – Within 3 days of the Due Date (only if they have NOT completed the assignment)
  – 1 day after the assignment was due (if they did not complete the assignment)

Note 2: We automatically pull the color of the Assignment Email from your Private Label Manager. If you ever need to adjust the colors of the email, navigate to the theme you are using and select the “Email Template Overrides” section – in there the “Header Text Color” and the “Header Background Color” control the colors of the email and the button:


In the next section, you can set up (optional) automated email progress reports for your team leaders, managers, or anyone else you’d like to view progress.


And that’s it! If your assignment is set to begin today, your selected users will receive an email immediately letting them know they have new training to complete, and when it’s due.


Training isn’t something you did, it’s something you DO! With this tool you can assign users to take your training multiple times – however many times it takes to fully know and understand it.

Brad Lea tells us it takes a person 7 revolutions to completely understand something – so that is what we recommend for your initial training assignments.


Here’s how to take a look at the status of each of your assignments. From the Super User Dashboard under the Content column, open 309 – Assigned Training.

On the main admin screen, locate the particular assignment you want to check progress on and select the Report icon on the right-hand side in the Action column.

Note: When an assignment is created – it will show the assignment at the Location it was created at, and it will also show the assignment at the Location or Locations that it was assigned to.

This allows Managers A, B and C to view the assignment and the report.

If the user is a Manager C and Teams Plus is enabled, then we will show the assignment and ONLY the users on that Manager C’s team.

If an assignment is made at the Location and no users on a Manager C’s team are present, then we do not show the assignment.


The Training Report breaks down the progress into two sections, Overview and Users.

In the Overview section, you get a top-level view of the progress of all assigned users – how many are currently In Progress, have Completed the assignment and how many have Not Started the assignment.


In the User section, you can search and filter to view an individual user’s progress or sort any column for quickly organizing groups of users by Status,
Name, Location, Chapters Completed, Revolutions Completed, and overall Completion percentage.


Bulk Archive

As you create more and more Assignments, it may help to keep your “inactive” Assignments organized. You can easily archive unwanted Assignments to remove them from the main dashboard view.

Simply select the checkbox next to an Assignment – you can select as many as you’d like – then choose either the Archive option in the lower right corner.

All of your Archived Assignments can be found under the “Archive” tab on the “Manage Assignments” page.

Where to find your Assignments (In the Training Center)

When your users are assigned training, they’ll see a “My Assignments” tab located in the Slider Menu and also in the Training Center.

Once in the Training Center, under the “My Assignments” tab, you will find all of your Active and Past Assignments.


Active Assignments

Each Assignment is displayed with clear, color-coded labels on the right-hand side to determine status and remaining time. From here you can also select an item to view and begin/resume training.


When clicking into an assignment, at the top of the page we list out all of the requirements for the user – how many Courses, Revolutions, Due Date, your Overall Progress of Completion and if provided, a message from the content assigner.


Below the assignment details, all of the Course materials will be displayed. If multiple Courses have been assigned, you can expand/collapse each section to help stay focused. Each Course will indicate how many Chapters are included and if applicable, an estimated Duration of Completion (per Revolution).

Each Chapter will indicate your progress based on total Revolutions – i.e. if the Assignment required 3 Revolutions and you completed the Chapter only 1 time, it would display 33%. Once completed all required Revolutions, you will see a checkmark indicating you are done.


Past Assignments (Archive)

To help keep your Active Assignment area tidy, once an assignment is Completed or Past Due, your Users may select to “Archive” that assignment. This only removes it from their view.


This will move it from the active area and place it within the “Past Assignments” folder. Here, you may access any of your Past Assignments in the future for confirmation of achievement and further training – though future training on archived / past due assignments will not receive additional “credit”.


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