Reset Users Data (203,204)
  • 24 May 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Reset Users Data (203,204)

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Article summary


There are two tools available when it comes to reseting a user’s data.

  1. [203] Reset Training Data – This option will reset all of the users training data. This means that all past attempts will be erased from reporting and all courses/chapters will revert back to Incomplete.
  2. [204] Reset “In Progress” Data – This option will simply change the status of any chapter or course that is In Progress to Not Started. This will NOT erase any past attempts.

In order to access any one of these two features – as an admin, simply navigate to your super user dashboard and under the “Users” column:


[203] Reset Training Data

Once you click on Reset Training Data , you will be taken to the the Reset Training section where you will land on the “User” tab by default. From there you can choose the user, along with the chapter(s) and/or course(s) that you want to reset.


The “Content Role” tab allows you to pick one or more content roles to reset. If any content roles are chosen, all chapters and courses within those roles will be reset.

*Note – When visiting this section, it will pull the user list from the last location that was visited. If an admin (super user) wants to reset a certain user’s training data , they would need to navigate to said location where the user exists first before selecting this tool.

[204] Reset “In Progress” Data

Once you click on Reset “In Progress” Data you will be taken to the Update In Progress Training section.

  1. ID Number(s) – This field will either be the chapter id(s), course id(s) or category id(s)
  2. ID Type – This dropdown menu will specify what type of id(s) you entered in the “ID Number(s)” field.


You can also reset “In Progress Data” from a user’s profile. To do this, just search for the user that you would like to reset and then click on the “Preference” tab. From there you can click on “Reset ALL In-Progress Chapters”.


*Note – The option to reset in progress data is also available for end-users in their profile settings.

This is especially helpful when an end-user reaches a quiz (which is usually at the end of the chapter), but wants to rewatch the video again.

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