March 6, 2025
  • 06 Mar 2025
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March 6, 2025

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Article summary

What's New!

🚀 Expanded Access: Content Report

Access Level 3 (also known as Multi-Location Admins or a Super User C) can now access the [401] Content Report! This update gives them access to the report, helping them track and manage content more effectively.

🔗 Improved Registration Forms!

We’ve launched a brand-new Registration Form with an updated UI and exciting new features! Now, you can enable Social Login for Google or LinkedIn, allowing users to sign up quickly using their existing credentials. Easier access means faster onboarding! 🎉

New User Registration with Social Logins!

Updates / Fixes

  • File Vault: Adjusted how files are sorted, allowing for numbers in the filenames to correctly list in order. We also fixed a bug where a Manager Access Level could not delete their own Folder or Files.
  • Email Unsubscribe: Fixed an issue where the button would become stuck when "Processing".
  • [205] Force Completion: This has been updated to now allow you to Force Completion for any purchased content that may have been added to your System separate from your own content.
  • Callouts: Inactive Content Roles are no longer included as an option to assign a Callout Bulletin or Skyline to.
  • Leaderboard: Added an option to allow you to 'delete' any of your unused Leaderboards (please note this cannot be reversed).
  • Report Cards: Fixed a small calculation issue with the scores, where the main report card view was showing, for example, a 90% passing score, but then the drilldown was showing 91%. The real score was 90.5 and both pages were using slightly different calculations to round up or down, but they have now been aligned.
  • Interactive Studio: Fixed an issue where the button text was wrapping incorrectly (basically with a long button title, it was displaying the text on multiple lines incorrectly).
  • Content Containers: Made several additional updates based on feedback from the recent UI update.

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First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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