June 1, 2023
  • 01 Jun 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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June 1, 2023

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Article summary

Hello Everyone! Welcome to another update from the Development team - and welcome to June! While the official start to the Summer is still a few weeks away, we hope you're as ready as we are to hire a cat sitter, slap on the sunscreen and hit the beach! On to the updates!


New Live Event Course Type: Zoom Internal Returns

After a bit of a hiatus, Zoom Internal has returned! You can now host a live event through Zoom from within the Training Center - no opening any extra windows. For more information check out the support article!


Training Center - Course Report

The Course report can now be accessed from the Chapter menu screen. The Course Report is a great way to view specific details on a specific Course - how many Users have Passed or are In-Progress on it. You can also view User Submissions from this report.


  • Courseware Management / SCORM Content: When a Course Type was changed to or from a SCORM type, there was an issue where the Course was no longer recording User completions correctly. To fix this issue we have disabled the ability to change any Course type to or from SCORM type.
  • Super User Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the 'Upload Content' link was not working as expected when it was moved to the 'quick link' area at the top of the page.
  • Training Center:
    • We've added HTML support (and therefore the ability to add images) to the 'Sorting' and 'Matching' type Test Questions.
    • The 'Next Course' navigation button has been fixed to match the 'Chapter Menu' font and size.
  • 205 - Force Training Completion: We've added a Teams column, as well as an active/inactive User filter option.
  • Leaderboard:
    • An issue was fixed where if a Leaderboard 'Rank' was disabled, it was still remaining attached to Users who earned it. Now, if a Rank is disabled it will automatically revert the User to the previous Rank they were.
    • Fixed an issue where Badges were showing "100%" complete, but had not been unlocked and awarded to the User.
  • Private Label Manager: We removed the option for inserting videos within the 'what you see is what you get' editor - as playing back video is not possible within an email.
  • Interactive Landing Page:
    • Fixed a bug with Certificate landing pages that were not working with custom background templates.
    • We fixed an issue where 'Code Your Own' versions were not correctly tracking page views or exit actions.
  • We've added 2 new language options Users can select from, "Cat" or "Dog" - selecting each language will automatically translate their VT System to "Meow meow meow" or "Woof woof!" - Who's a good boy?
  • Assign Training:
    • Assignment emails have been updated to add a warning 'note' to not forward the email, as then other unauthorized Users could possibly access your account via the 'View My Assignments' link / button.
    • Fixed a bug where if you created an assignment to start in the future, 2 days from now, and also set the end date to be completed 3 days from now, the '3 day warning' email was being sent prior to the original assignment email itself.
  • 407 - Search & Export Users: We've added an additional (optional) checkbox to view the User's 'Hire Date' in the results.

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