January 16, 2018
  • 05 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

January 16, 2018

  • Dark

Article summary

Hello from DevWorld!

Rolling out today, you’ll notice some new updates and feature enhancements that should shine a little light on your day.


As part of a larger, more sweeping effort, we’ve begun the process of simplifying many of your daily tasks to help speed up your workflow. We’ll be aggressively addressing all administrative areas in the coming months, but to get started, here are few included with today’s release:

  • Super User Dashboard – Quick links: We’ve added a new ‘Quick Links’ section for speedy access to some common tasks. Note: some options may not be available based on your access privileges.

  • Create Location – Simple/Advanced Mode: By default, the Create Location page will display in the Simple Mode, drastically reducing the amount of fields to fill out. If you need access to any of the Advanced fields, simply click the button. We’ll remember which view you worked in last and return you there the next time you access the page.

Additional enhancements also include:

  • Location Settings:
    • The System name and Location name are displayed prominently in the header
    • We’ve added a “Change Location” button for quickly jumping into Locations you have access to
  • Full Screen (Video) by Default: We’ve implemented a toggle at the Course level that will allow you to START a chapter in full screen mode.
  • CryptoKitties is now an acceptable form of digital currency on LightSpeed VT (If you have any issues submitting this payment type please contact brianlovescats@lightspeedvt.com for help)
  • Courseware Management – Edit Category: We’ve added an Active toggle for quickly showing/hiding a Category and its contents. Note: “Simple” mode editing controls are right around the corner in the Courseware Management area!


  • We’ve fixed a rare issue with Watchdog’s duplicating email notifications.
  • Some users were not receiving scheduled Watchdog emails – this has been resolved.

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