Create / Edit Courses
  • 23 Jan 2025
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Create / Edit Courses

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Beta Release: The New Courseware Editor is currently in beta development and is available to all Admin Users. Try it out by simply toggling the blue icon at the bottom right of your screen when creating or editing a Course.

So you have your outline and all of your assets, now it’s time to assemble your Course.

From Courseware Management, select + New Course.

In order to begin, we need to first give your Course a name. We recommend making this friendly, informative and most importantly, short. Don’t worry if you haven’t come up with that catchy title just yet – you can change this at any time.

Create Course - Step 1

Next you’ll choose which Category to place the Course in. This helps keep your content organized and will provide Learners with a clearer structure along their learning path. You can always change and/or add your Course to additional Categories later.

Select Continue to create your Course and to begin building your Chapter content.

Note: This article will focus on creating and editing a Standard Course. For additional Course types, please refer to their respective articles: SCORM, Live Event, Sellable, and Linked Course (Banner).

Chapter Menu

Now it’s time to focus on the Chapters (ala, the meat of your Course). In this section, you will see a list of all Chapters in a “ranked” list - this is the order in which Learners will be presented with.

Course - Chapter Menu

From here, you can quickly:

  • Manage the status of a Chapter (enable or disable)
  • Reorder their position by clicking and dragging
  • Jump directly to specific Chapter content (parts) to manage

When you Initially start though, there will be no Chapters, so you will see a call-to-action to get started with adding your content.

Create Course - Step 2

Create a New Chapter

From the Chapter Menu, select the + New Chapter button at the top right (or at the bottom of the Chapter list).

First, you’ll give your Chapter a friendly and descriptive Name.

Create Course - Chapter - Step 1

Then choose which type of content to start with - this is important because depending on your selection, the proceeding options may differ.

Learn more about each Chapter type below:

Video and SCORM Chapters support multiple content 'parts' with the option to enable a Final Assessment. For example, a single Chapter could seamlessly go from a Video to a SCORM package, back to a Video, then end on an Assessment.

Course Settings

While we offer a streamlined process to publish your Course with minimal customization, there may be times when you need to fine-tune the details. Let's explore the Course Settings and review some additional options.

Basic Info

The Basic Info section allows you to add essential details about your course to generate interest and help Learners understand the materials.

Course - Basic Info

  • Course Name: You can edit the course title you created during the initial setup.

  • Overview: Use the WYSIWYG editor to write a custom description of the course. This will appear in the main Training Center and provide Learners with a better understanding of what the course entails.

    • Lost for words? Use AI Ghost Writer to help craft the perfect description. Learn more →
  • Internal Description: This is an optional field that can help you and other Admins identify courses more easily. For example, if you have two courses with the same title but different access restrictions, you can use this field to add notes for future reference.

  • Duration: Providing an estimated course duration can help Learners plan their time and expectations. You can calculate the total duration by adding up the length of each video and the time limits for each question in final assessments.

  • Rank: Each new chapter you create is automatically added to the course in sequential order. You can manually enter a specific rank or drag and drop chapters to reorder them on the Chapter Menu.


By design, a Course must have one (primary) Category association. You may choose to add it to additional categories allowing Learners to discover it more easily based on relational topics.

Course - Categories

  • Categories: Change the primary category associated with this course or add it to additional categories to display in. Note that a course must be associated with at least one category (its primary).

Extended Info

Add additional information to the Course Details page, such as downloadable resources or special instructions for Learners.

Course - Extended Info

To help separate the Course Overview from ancillary details or instructions, a second “panel” can be added to the Course Details page. This panel is fully customizable to display rich text, images, video, and even embedded iFrame content.

  • Headline: You may optionally add a title to the panel header. For example: Resources.
  • **Format Style: ** Choose the type of content to display.
    • Default will match the look of other panels on the Course Details page.
    • iFrame allows you to enter a URL to embed external web content. You will also need to enter the preferred iFrame Height.
    • None removes the styling of the content panels’ container, resulting in your content resting on a transparent background - allowing your Private Label Theme's background to show.
  • Position: This will allow you to determine the order of content on the Course Details page.
    • Below Course Overview
    • Above Course Overview
  • Content: Use the WYSIWYG editor to customize your Extended Info content


Enhance the visual appeal of your course and attract more Learners by adding engaging graphics and videos.

Course - Display

  • Hero Image: Upload a custom banner image that sits at the top of your Course details page. Keep in mind that the left side of the image will contain the Course Title and the Learners' current completion status, with a call-to-action to start or resume the course. To ensure that your image fits correctly, you can download a template here that shows the safe areas for your content.
  • Preview Video: You can also provide a video preview of the course that will play automatically when a user visits the Course Details page. Keep the video under 30 seconds for optimal viewing experience.
  • Thumbnail: The thumbnail image will display on the Course Tile in the main Training Center. By default, the Hero Image will be used and cropped to fit accordingly. You can also choose to upload a custom image that is designed to fit this proportionately.


Make your course easily discoverable for Learners by using relevant and descriptive search terms.

Course - Discoverability

  • Keywords: Add relevant keywords or phrases that will help Learners discover the course when searching within the Training Center or through the global header navigation. Separate each keyword or phrase with a comma.


Optionally enable or limit specific settings for your course's display and how Learners will interact with it.

Course - Rules

  • Complete Chapters in Order: By default, Learners are required to complete each chapter before they can proceed to the next. Toggle this on to allow Learners to complete chapters in any order (e.g. chapter 4 before chapter 2).
  • Enable Notes: Allow Learners to create personal notes as they complete video chapter content. They can save, edit, and export their notes at any time.
  • Allow Discussions: Participating in group discussions is a beneficial part of learning. Enabling this allows Learners to post and respond to discussions among their peers as they complete the course training.
  • Hide on Reports: This enables or disables the course from showing up on all reports. This can be handy if the course is something you are not concerned about your Learners completing, or if you do not want it to appear when reviewing your usage reports.
  • Hide on Search: This prevents the course from being searchable. This can be useful if you have created a specific learning path for your Learners to follow and do not want to allow them to search for the course and skip ahead.
  • Lock Content to System: This setting allows you to give access to the content in another system for viewing purposes only. By "locking" the content to your system, it will prevent other system admins from modifying its content. When it is locked, we display a padlock symbol to indicate that they cannot edit it

Example of "Lock to System"


Determine where and to whom your course should be accessible.

Course - Audience

  • Users: By default, this course will be accessible to all Learners. You can choose to limit access by specific Content Roles.
  • Locations: By default, this course will be published to all Locations. You may choose to limit it to only a specific selection of Locations.
    • *If you do not see this section, Location Provisioning has been enabled for your System’s Content Container.


When you are ready to push your Course live to its intended audience, select the Publish button at the top right or toggle Publish Course found at the bottom right within the Course Settings section.

Course - Publish

Once confirmed, your Course will be available within the Training Center for the intended Audience.


When editing a previously published Course, you will notice a badge labeled Published located at the top right header. As revisions are saved in real time, it is recommended that you disable a Chapter when making substantial changes, such as modifying video content or assessments. This precaution helps prevent any potential disruptions for Learners who may be actively training during the editing process.

Understanding Auto-Save

The auto-save feature is designed to provide efficiency, saving you loads of time to focus on what matters most; crafting your content.

Auto-Save Menu

How it works:

  • Changes are saved automatically, from entering text, switching a toggle, removing an image and disabling a test question.
  • To Undo or Redo changes, simply click on the Save icon in the top header.
    • Change history is based on your individual session state. Meaning, any changes that occur during your current (active) login session will be preserved and available for undoing or redoing per Course.
  • Want to see who created a Course or Chapter? Select the Save button to see the ‘Created’ and ‘Last Updated’ by details.

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