Access Level Management
  • 11 Mar 2024
  • 10 Minutes to read
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Access Level Management

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Article summary


Each user is assigned to one (and only one) Access Level, and this determines what basic privileges they have, or do not have.
To make a simple Analogy of what Access Levels are, think of your VT System as a school, and the User Locations are the classrooms. A very simple set up of Access Levels would be:

  • The Principal – this access level can see all of the students in all of the classrooms, run reporting and administrate all of them.
  • The Teacher – this access level can only see their own classroom and run reporting and administrate students within their classroom.
  • The Student – this access level can only see their own report card.

* Yes, you can get fancy and have a teacher oversee multiple classrooms and such, but this is the most basic example.

** Content Roles – think of these like your school subjects, e.g. Math, Science and English.*

So a user name needs to be in a classroom (User Location) set as a Student (Access Level) and provisioned to both Math and Science (the Content Roles).

Each “System” currently can utilize up to 12 access levels (however Access Level 1 is reserved for LSVT use only). Within the System, these Access Levels can be renamed, turned on/off, and select privileges toggled on/off to best suit your needs.

Below we will look at the basics of how to “configure” these Access Levels in your System, and then in the next article we will go more in depth on each individual Access Level and what they can see and do.

The Access Levels have ID Numbers, so that when you rename them, you can still see the ID# in some areas so you know which is which.


The Super User has access to the Super User Dashboard, and in short, that means they can have access to more than one Location.

ID #
Default Access Level Name


Super User A

This is reserved for LSVT Only


Super User B

This is what your internal team of “Top Admin” users will utilize


Super User C

This is commonly for Overseers that need reporting access to more than one location.


The Overseer has access to oversee Users at their own Location, that are at their Access Level and below. They can create users (if toggled the ability to do so) and they can run reports.

ID #
Default Access Level Name

4, 5 & 6

Manager A, B & C

For the detailed grid of differences in these privileges, please see the Quick Links section below.


This Access Level is for standard users. There is often only the need to use one of these “User” Access Levels and turn the others off. They all have the same exact privileges (or lack thereof) in that they can only see their own reports, and not other users.

ID #
Default Access Level Name

7, 8 & 9

User A, B and C

There is literally NO DIFFERENCE in these Access Level Privileges. This set of Access Levels is commonly used for “Employees” at a business as they can indeed see each other in the Message Center and send each other messages.


ID #
Default Access Level Name

10, 11 & 12

Limited User A, B and C

There is literally NO DIFFERENCE in these Access Level Privileges either. This set of Access Levels is commonly used for “Individual Subscribers” as they CANNOT see each other in the Message Center and can only send messages to SUPPORT.

However one reason why you may want to use all three of these Access Levels within the sets above is if you have the need to “Auto-Populate” content to a user, based on their Access Level. In this case, you may need more than one “User” Access Level to designate what you need.

To learn more about how to use the “Auto Populate” Content Feature, see below.

What Privileges Access What?

A Super User is defined by being Access Level 2 or 3.

An Overseer is defined as being Access Level 4, 5 or 6.

A Learner is defined as being Access Levels 7 though 12.

The following links in the Slider Menu are only available for:

+ Super Users – Access Levels 2 and 3

+ Overseers – Access Levels 4, 5 and 6

Slider Menu

Report Cards











Read Only

Usage Reports






Certification Reports






Manage (Create & Edit) Teams






Content Report






Manage Users






* = This ability is able to be overridden on each user’s profile, there is a Yes/No toggle for “Ability to Manage Users” that can be set per individual. If a user has the ability to “Manage Users” then they can only create/manage users at their Access Level and below.

In any of the reports noted above where they can be drilled down to the Chapter Test Level, the Access Level toggle of “Show Answers” will allow users to drill all the way down and see the correct answers from the tests.

If the “Teams Plus” feature is enabled, then Access Level 6 can only Oversee users that are on their “Team.” Additionally, in “Manage Users” this same “Access Level 6” can only create and manage users that are on their “Team.”


A Note on reporting: Overseers (Manager A, B and C) can only see their Access Level and below on reports. For example, a Manager C cannot see Manager A or B when they run reports. They can only see their access level and below. The same goes with Manager A and B – the Manager B can see their access level and below – so Manager B’s can see reports on C’s, but not A’s.

Location Settings

The Location Settings menu is only available for:

+ Super Users – Access Levels 2 and 3

+ Overseers – Access Levels 4 and 5 (Not 6)

Location Settings

View Location Settings





General Information & Settings


Read Only

Read Only

Read Only

Location Information (Address, Phone, etc.)





Main Menu Information (Bulletin Board Text)





Main Menu Banner Updates





For more information on Location Settings, click HERE.

If the File Vault is enabled, then there are some additional built in privileges that apply specifically to the File Vault, and they are noted below.

Access Level
2 & 3
4, 5 & 6

Folder/File Create

Yes (Any / All Locs)

Yes (Own Loc)


Folder/File Edit

Yes (Any / All Locs)

Yes (Own Loc)


Folder/File Delete

Yes (Any / All Locs)

Yes (Own Loc)


Folder/File View

Yes (Any / All Locs)

Yes (Own Loc)

Yes (Own Loc)

Folder/File Activation Status

Yes (Any / All Locs)

Yes (Optional – Own Loc)


 For more information on the File Vault, click HERE.

LightPad / Communication Center

If the LightPad is enabled in the Private Label Themer then all users at any Location within a System can receive messages. More information about those System Settings can be found HERE.

The ability to send messages is outlined below:

Access Level
2 & 3
4, 5 & 6
7, 8 & 9
10, 11 & 12

Can send messages to any user at any Location that they have access to.




Can send messages to any user at their Location





Can send messages to any user at any Location that they have access to.





Super Users

As we noted in a previous article, the top two Access Levels are referred to as Super Users, and thus have access to the Super User Dashboard, which is where a user has reports and tools that affect multiple Locations.

Below is a list of reports and privileges that ALL Super Users have access to.

There is a set of much more extensive Admin abilities that the “Super User B” can be privileged to that are over and above what is listed below. These extra Admin abilities are defined in a separate article HERE.

System Modules

All Access Levels have access to the System Modules and Carousel Panels. The only “per user” exceptions are noted below with an asterisk.

You can define what System Modules and Carousel Panels are available – in the System Settings and Theme settings – but whatever ones are configured to show up, will be available for All Access Levels.

The default list of System Modules are:

System Module Name

Training Center

This is where all users will go to browse what Courseware is available to them.

My Report Card

The full list of courses that the user has available and their completion progress on each. Each Course Name can be clicked to view the Chapter Names and their completion status.

My Usage Report

A dashboard of usage (sign in activity, number of passed, failed and in progress chapters, etc.). The default date range of this report is “the current calendar month” but there is a filter to change this date range as desired.

My Profile 

Ability to view their own account information.

My Favorites 

This lets them view any Chapters that they have marked as “favorites” in The Training Center.

My Notes 

This lets them view the notes that they have taken on any chapter.

My Certification 

This lets them view the list of any Certifications that have been assigned to them. They can click on any title to take it, and they can also view their progress on each, and print out a certificate for any completed Certifications.


This lets them create, view and mark complete any events on their Calendar.

File Vault 

This lets them view the files in the File Vault for their Location (more information on extended functionality of the File Vault below).

= This ability is able to be overridden on each user’s profile, there is a Yes/No toggle for “Ability to Update My Profile” that can be set per individual.

= This is a System toggle that may be toggled OFF, but is ON by default.

Access Level Privilege Toggles

In the prior article we went over how to “Configure Access Levels” and we noted these toggles that can be set for any Access Level, as desired.

Access Level Privilege TogglesDescription
VisibleThis simply hides any Access Levels that you do not wish to use. it will hide them in every area of your System.
Fast ForwardThis will allow users to both fast forward and rewind videos in the Training Center. It also adds a “skip” button on the Video Player for the user to advance to the next section. Users that not not have this toggled to YES can still rewind and restart videos, but cannot fast forward them.
Show AnswersThis will allow users to see the correct answer indicated in green when they are in the Training Center. When this user is looking at the reports, it also allows them to see the answers from the tests in the reporting, as they are able to see which ones are indicated as “correct.”
Speed ControlThis allows users to alter the playback speed on videos in the Training Center - up to 2x faster or 2x slower.

= Some mobile devices do not allow us to control the ability to fast forward when they are in full screen view mode.

How to Configure Access Levels

In the Super User Dashboard, go to the “Account [100]” area, and look in the “101 System Management” section for the button called “Access Level Management”.


If you have access to more than one System, you will first select the System you want to administrate the Access Levels for, and click “Get Access Levels.” From here you will see the list of Access Levels, and you can rename them for your needs and toggle a few privileges for each.


  • The privilege toggle switches next to each one are:
    • Visible: Simply set to “No” if you do not want to use certain Access Levels.
    • Skip Video: If set to “Yes” then these users will be able to Fast Forward the videos, as well as see a “Skip” button on the right side of the video player.
    • Show Answers: If set to “Yes” then these users will see the correct answers highlighted in green on the standard multiple choice test questions.

Auto Populating Content Roles to Access Levels

First, make sure you activate this toggle under System Settings:


Next, navigate to “Manage Access Levels”


Third, you will now see a new column to add Content Role IDs to each Access Level.


If you know your Content Role ID, you can enter it next to the Access Level you wish to automatically populate the role with. If you want to automatically populate multiple roles to 1 access level, separate the Role IDs with a comma.

If you do not know the role ID, navigate to “Content Containers” to look up the IDs, shown here:



In this example, this means that every time a user is created as Access Level 5, Manager, they will automatically be given content role 1822, Management, and will have access to all of the courseware within that role.

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