User Creation
  • 07 Jul 2022
  • 3 Minutes to read
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User Creation

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Article summary

There are a lot of different ways to create users within your System – which method is the easiest and best for you? Here’s the list, from easiest to more complex!

Level 1 – Creating one or two Users at a time. If you’d like to add just one or two users, follow the steps in the article below! This is the easiest method to User creation if you only need to add a few Users.

Level 2 – The “Invite” feature. The invite feature allows you to quickly set the access level and content roles and “invite” users to sign up by entering their email and sending them an invite to register themselves. This is a great option if you have 5-10 Users to add, and they all share the same access level and content role. Here is the full “Invite” feature article!

Level 3 – Enrollment Links or Emails. You can create an Enrollment link (explained more here) to send out to all of your Users. This is similar to the invite feature, but it allows for more options – such as selecting which Team to place them on, or even setting an expiration date for the User. Additionally, you could have our System email the users for you, using an Enrollment email. Again this works similarly to the Invite feature.

Level 4 – Registration Forms. Registration forms are basically Enrollment forms – however if you manually create a Registration form, it gives you greater control over the look and feel of the Registration page – allowing you to add pixel tracking, additional copy and artwork, and even more options when the User is registering. Read more about it here!

Level 5 – Bulk User Import. Up until now, each of the solutions above were all isolated to a single Location – where you would use the invite feature or enrollment link to add Users to a single Location. With the Bulk User Import, this can be used when you have many Users to add to many different Locations. We cover more info on that here! Basically it allows you to add hundreds of Users, to many different locations with many different access levels and content roles all at once!

Level 6 – Using Zapier to Create and Update Users. This is our most advanced, and automated, method for adding Users. Note – it will require an “Event” to occur that will trigger the action of creating the User – which is typically something you would trigger through a 3rd party like Hubspot or Salesforce. Click here for more information!

Creating a New User

To create a new user, simply click on the “Add User” icon located in the header section at the top of your VT system.


From there you will be brought to the “User Management” Page where you can quickly create a user with just a handful of fields to fill out, but before you create the user, you’ll want to verify that you’re in the correct location. If you look above the “Create User” tab, the current location will be displayed.


If you would like to include more details about the user, such as middle name, job title, phone number, etc., click on the “Show Advanced Options” button.


User names are unique – no two users can have the same user name.

When assigning access levels to users, keep in mind that each level has more access to different reports and features than the one below it. Here is a very quick explanation of each different level:

ID #
Default Access Level NameDescription


Top Admin

This should be reserved for Top System Admins only.


Multi Location Overseer

This is commonly for Overseers that need reporting access to more than one location.



This is what your internal team of “Top Admin” users will utilize



This is typically for a standard user – this user can access all features of the platform.



This is another typical standard user – this user can access all features of the platform.

You can read more about Access Level definitions here!


After you are done entering the user information and account information, you will have the option to assign content roles, premier content and or specific courses to the user.


After you are done entering all of the user information, account information and assigning content, click on the “Create User” button located at the bottom left corner to seal the deal and create the user.


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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.