- 13 Oct 2023
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Postables (305)
- Updated on 13 Oct 2023
- 3 Minutes to read
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Postables allows Admins of a VT System to carefully control their marketing message and grant Learners the ability to spread their messages freely – whenever – and to whichever social media platforms they desire, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or copying the link to the postable and submitting it where you like.
It is a powerful tool to raise brand awareness, promote events or give praise to Learners on a job well-done.
Postables are tracked as they are shared, helping you to discover which social networks perform best with your Learners and what marketing content works – and what doesn’t.
When Postables is enabled, Learners and Admins can access it from the LightPad icon located at the top right corner of the browser window.
Postables Dashboard
The Postables Dashboard displays all available Postables for that System. This is what you and your users see as a Learner.
ostables are created and shared, there are a few differences you will notice:
New Postables
Identified by a red label next to the Name. This will display only when visiting the Dashboard for the first time after new Postables have been published.
Featured Postables
Featured Postables are “locked” or “pinned” to the top of a Learners’ Dashboard. They are identified by a blue badge on the top left corner.
Unshared Postables
If you (as a Learner) have not Shared a Postables, a call-to-action description and Share Now button are easily accessible from the
Postables listing. Sharing from the Dashboard will launch a window, providing a preview and options to select which social network to share with.
Shared Postables
After you have Shared a Postables, the Dashboard will provide at-a-glance details about your sharing activity; which networks, how many times you’ve shared it, as well as the last date you shared it.
Paused (Inactive) Postables
When an Admin pauses a published campaign, by default Postables will no longer be accessible by the Learners. If a Learner had previously shared a Postables, it will remain visible, providing access to historical data only. A closed date will be displayed and the emphasis on the button will diminish.
Postables Management
The Postables Management section provides access to all Postables you have created – below are the different options you have in these sections.
Create New Post
You can easily create new Postables for any selection of Systems you’re privileged for. When creating Postables, the following options are available:
- Name: Give your Postables a friendly name that grabs a viewers attention.
- Caption: Add a short message and remember to use #hashtags for a larger reach.
- Media: Upload a Video or Image (accepted formats: JPG, PNG, GIF and MP4).
- Featured: Featured Postables are “locked” or “pinned” to the top of your Learners Dashboard for continual top-of-mind awareness. This can be toggled on/off at anytime.
- System: If you have access to multiple Systems, you can select which Systems to share Postables with.
You’ll notice in the right column a Preview panel. As you add your Media and write your Caption, your Postables content will display here, in real-time.
When uploading a video, you will be asked to scrub the video’s slider to your desired poster image. By default, if nothing is selected, we will grab the first frame of your video.
In the Caption preview panel, any hashtags you’ve included will be highlighted. When your Learners share a Postable, all hashtags provided in the caption will be pre-populated in their personal message field. If using multiple hashtags, we recommend that you select (or click on) which hashtag you would like featured. If none are selected, the last hashtag will be chosen by default. This is due to limitations with Facebook, which only allows one. #lame
Once created, the Postables content may not be edited. You may however modify the following:
- Change a Postables Featured Status (pinning Postables at the top of the Dashboard)
- Pause a Campaign: This will prevent Postables from being shared by Learners, while retaining all historic analytic data. You may Resume a paused campaign at any time to restore shareability.
- Delete a Postable: This will permanently delete Postables Campaign and all historic data. This action cannot be undone and is typically reserved for testing and non-archival campaign initiatives.
Postables Performance
After Postables have been published and your Learners begin to share across their social networks, you’ll be able to start tracking its performance.
Receive at-a-glance totals for each platform, what days of the week are most active and see a list of your Top Posters.