- 21 May 2024
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Private Label Management
- Updated on 21 May 2024
- 11 Minutes to read
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The Themer is a tool that allows you to manage and change all of the branding elements of your System, and a host of intricate settings that control how Locations and Users act.
Please be aware that any modification to your current “live” theme would affect all of your end users – if you have any questions at all about making a change, please feel free to contact us first before clicking that “save” button.
If you are creating or cloning a new theme, you will want to create a NEW LOCATION first. When you Create or Clone a Theme, it is automatically applied to the location, which will override the existing theme and replace it with basically a blank canvas. If there are any Users at that location, they will see the changes immediately. So again – CREATE A NEW LOCATION first, where you can build and test how your theme looks without affecting any live users.
After your Theme has been created to your liking, you can easily apply that theme to any location.
Creating & Managing Themes
The Theme Editor can be found on the Super User Dashboard, under “102 Private Label Management”.
Every System has a Main System Theme – that is the theme you are logged into right now. You can either choose to edit your existing main theme, or you can create or clone new themes for your existing locations.
Part 1: Creating a New Theme (or CLONE an Existing Theme)
The first thing you may want to do to begin learning the Themer would be to CLONE your existing theme into a new location you have created exclusively for building/testing.
To clone your existing theme, click on the “Clone Theme” button next to your System theme. Once the dialogue box appears, select which location to clone this theme to. Remember to be careful and only clone this theme to your testing location – as you could overwrite a LIVE location with theme settings that are not intended.
When you CLONE a theme, our system will automatically duplicate every setting EXCEPT the Menus (Which are located under “Menu Editor” at the top) Once your theme is cloned you’ll want to visit the “Menu Editor” and add your desired menu items.
Part 2: Menu Options and Naming Your Theme
In the top navigation we have three options:
- Location Selection
- This is where you just came from, this section will allow you to select a different theme to create/clone/edit.
- Appearance
- This section controls the main settings for your theme.
- Theme Settings
- This section controls your overall Theme settings some email settings.
- Menu Editor
- This section controls the Slider Menu, Footer and Main Menu System Modules.
In the header area you can change the name of your theme, and view how many locations this theme is currently assigned to.
Clicking on the number will take you back to “Location Selection” where it will display all of the locations using this theme.
Renaming your theme: If you are working with a lot of Themes it would be best to name this something unique – naming it “Theme 2” might be confusing down the line.
Part 3: Start Theming
In some areas of the Themer you are required to upload images – to provide an optimal and consistent look and feel throughout your VT system, the following recommended image sizes and templates are ideal:
Private Label Management
The following guide will walk you through how to create your own Private Labeled VT System from scratch – using Simple or Advanced options. If you are creating a Theme from scratch and would like to follow along with this guide, please download the default images that we’ll be using HERE.
Getting Started: Appearance Tab
If it’s your first time in the Private Label Manager then you will initially be shown just a few options. If at any time you would like to see the Advanced options available, simply click on the “+ Show Advanced Options” link on the left of the screen.
To Add your Logo, click the “Choose File” button and upload it. For best results, use a rectangular (420 x 64px) transparent PNG file.
This section features a live preview of the color choices you make below. These colors are represented throughout your system on various screens, so this live preview is a great way to get a sense of the look and feel of your choices. If you’re editing an existing template, or are working from a cloned theme, the colors will already be in place, but you can change these to your liking at any time. You can edit them by changing the value in the field (which is a html hex color value ) or you can choose the color manually by clicking on the box to the right of the field.
Main Menu Carousel
General Properties
- Heading Text Color: This is the color of the headline text. In our default templates, we’re using a light color because the carousel panel slides have a dark background.
- Body Text Color: Similar to the heading text, we’re using a light color here because of the dark background.
- Link Button Text Color: Located on the panel to the right side, the Link button is designed and intended to be used as your primary call-to-action. You can link either a webpage found within the system or possibly outside the system – it is up to you.
- Link Button Background Color: this will set the background color of the button – typically you want to choose a color that will stand out against the panel image you choose.
- Video Button Text Color: Similar to the two values above – this button is for the video preview that you can include on the carousel panel. We automatically make this a transparent background so it doesn’t compete with your primary link button.
- Navigation Dots: The navigation dots are the small dots located below the Carousel Panels. You typically want to set this color to stand out against your background. These dots are used to indicate which slide you are on.

Carousel Content
If you are using an existing template or a cloned theme, we start you with 5 default carousel panel slides.
Carousel 1 will always be used as a ‘welcome’ style panel. When a user logs in for the very first time they will land on this panel, and (if there is a video file in place) it will automatically play a welcome message video. On all subsequent logins, the user will be dropped onto Panel 2 automatically.
As you will see, this is why we made Slide 2 a link to the Training Center, as this is typically the users main objective when they login. Here is an example of Slide 1 and 2 settings, and what you can do with them:
Carousel 1:
Headline | Welcome to LightSpeed VT |
Tagline | Let’s get started with the #1 Sales Training system in the world. Learn more below or head over to the Training Center to begin. |
Video Button Label | Learn More |
Video URL | http://videos.lightspeedvt.com/video_files/brian/temp/elly_mmenu_msg_106016.mp4 |
Link Button Label | [leave blank] |
Link Button URL | [leave blank] |
Link Button Target | [leave blank] |
Carousel 2:
Headline | Training Center |
Tagline | Access our extensive collection of virtual training courses and interactive simulations. |
Video Button Label | Learn More |
Video URL | http://videos.lightspeedvt.com/video_files/brian/temp/elly_cpp_trainctr_102606.mp4 |
Link Button Label | Start Training |
Link Button URL | /tc/ |
Link Button Target | _self |
That’s it! Without even glancing at the Advanced options you can quickly and easily configure custom themes.
Theme Settings (Including Email Configuration)
System Overrides
Training Center Settings
- Training Center Home URL: You can set the “exit url” for each individual theme here, if it’s left blank it defaults to the exit url found under System Management.
- Enable New Training Center: this is a new toggle for our all new Training Center – this can be enabled at any time.
- Disable “Resume Training” in Header: If you’d prefer to show Users your Hero/Header area you can disable the “Resume Training” feature. The “Resume Training” feature will appear as a shortcut in the Hero/Header area to allow users to quickly return to their previous training spot.
- Default Layout Type: This allows you to set your Training Center layout to a grid or list view by default when Users first access the Training Center.
Main Menu
- Enable New Main Menu: The latest version of the Main Menu Dashboard leverages a full page carousel with video backgrounds for a more immersive brand experience. Learn more here.
- Leaderboard Display: By default, the Leaderboard Standings are displayed as one-column on desktop screens. You can choose to go the full page width and increase the number of "Top Users" visible on the Main Menu.
- Hide Recent Training: Enabled by default, the "My Recent Training" displays the most recent Chapters a User has accessed - allowing them to quickly jump back and resume where they left off.
- Hide "What's New" Hero Widget: The Welcome (or “What’s New”) panel greets Users every time they sign-in and provides them new and relevant messages to help drive them quickly into content that matters most.
Outbound & Enrollment Emails
In this section you can manage settings for the Enrollment email and general outgoing VT System email templates.
The Enrollment Email is the email users will receive when using the “Enrollment” feature. You can find the Enrollment setup under the User Management / Create User section in the “Enrollment” tab.
- From Email: This is the email address Users will see the email come from.
- Enable Enrollment Options: This enables or disables Enrollment – this will show/hide the tab in the screenshot above.
- Email Subject: This is the subject line of the email
- Email Body Top: Here you can enter whatever information you’d like to convey to your new Users who will be signing up – this will appear above the “Enrollment Link”.
- Email Body Bottom: Here you can enter whatever information you’d like, this information will fall below the “Enrollment Link”. Typically you’d want to add contact info, etc. in this spot.
- Enrollment Link Text: This is the “call to action” link that will appear in the email – you can name it “Enroll Now!” or “Join Now!” or “Sign Up!” etc.
LightPad Email Settings
The LightPad can be found by selecting the Megaphone in the top navigation / header area, and selecting “My Inbox”
- LightPad Enabled: Here you can enable or disable the LightPad
- LightPad From Address: This is the email address that your Users will receive your email communications from.
- Custom LightPad Support: This is off by default. If you enable it, you use this to create a new way for your Users to communicate with you. Some use cases are using it for enhanced Support, using it to open up Communication directly with someone on your team like asking questions about your product, and more!
If enabled, additional fields will appear and allow you to customize it to your liking.
Auto Email Upon User Creation
This section will allow you to customize the emails your Users receive when they are created. This is different than the Enrollment option – this email will trigger when you manually create a user, or use the Bulk User Import tool.
- Send Auto Email Upon User Creation: You can enable or disable this here. You also have the option during User creation to send this or not, so you can always decline it at the User Creation points.
- From Email: This will be the email address Users will see the email come from.
- Email Subject: This will be the Subject of the email – it could be something like, “Welcome to ABC University!” or some other welcoming message.
- Salutation: You can use this to set the greeting at the beginning of the email. Some suggestions are “Dear”, “Hello” or “Welcome” – we enter the Users first name and last name after the salutation, so if you used “Welcome” it would read, “Welcome Joe Smith!”
- Email Body Top: Here you can customize the message that is sent to the Users – you can welcome them to your System or give them some initial instructions on how to sign in.
- Username/Password: We will automatically display the username and password here between the body top and body bottom
- Email Body Bottom: Here we suggest entering some sort of contact information or thanks, or even a link to your login page.
Search Settings
Here you can set default or popular search terms for your users – in this example you can see we’ve added a “Sales” search term and it shows up when you select the “Search” icon in the top navigation / header.
Template Settings
The Template Settings section allows you to set which version of the “Theme” to use, as well as set the Copyright information found in the footer.
We obviously suggest you stay on Version 6 – moving to the previous/boilerplate version will possibly cause a lot of issues.
- Copyright Text: We suggest adding your company name here – if left blank it will appear like this – the year will be updated automatically: